As teased at the end of the year-long "Life and Death of Conan" arc in the recently-released CONAN THE BARBARIAN #12, my sojourn with the Cimmerian isn't done just yet. Later in 2020, I'll be reuniting with the art team of Mahmud Asrar and Matt Wilson for KING CONAN.
This teaser image by Mahmud and Matt gives you a few hints about what to expect. Other than that, I'll just say that with the "Life and Death of Conan" I tried to craft an epic, years-spanning saga that paid tribute to everything I loved most about Robert E. Howard's original stories. And with this new series, I'll again be looking to cover a few different eras of Conan's long, sordid life, including one period that's never fully been explored.
Howard's Conan stories were one of the first great loves of my creative life. And I was thrilled at the chance to finally get to craft some Conan tales of my own. I'm incredibly proud of how "Life and Death" turned out. But twelve issues aren't enough to sate my hunger for Hyborian adventure.
I'll see you later this year, oh great King of Aquilonia.
Any news on when King Conan is coming? i'm in no way trying to be rude or sound like I'm rushing you just had read issues 19 and 20 of Conan and i remembered again you were working on this cant wait to read it.